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English Study/OPIc

[Opic] 오픽시험 스크립트 모음 - 집에서 보내는 휴가(Staycations)

by White,,JY 2022. 8. 3.

Opic 시험 준비하면서 개인적으로 만든 답변들임.

전화영어를 통해 첨삭을 받았고 교정된 문장도 표시함.


Q1. You indicated that you take vacations at home. Who do you meet when you spend vacations at home? What do you do with them? Plus, who do you want to meet in the future for your vacation? Why is that?

I like go outside in vacations. But nowdays I cannot go out because I have a child and covid-19. So I invite my friends or family to my home everyweekend. And I have two nieces. They like my sun. While they enjoy spending time with him. While my sun's playing with them I can get some rest. I like that time.

-> I like to go out during my vacations

Q2. Tell me about what you did during your last vacation. How did your vacation start and how did it end? What did you do on each day? Tell me everything about the things you did on  your last vacation at home.

I remember spending a vacation a few month ago. I went to Jeju island with my family for a week. My sun is too young to see the sights. So we spent time at cafe.


Q3. Now, tell me about an unusual or unexpected experience you had during a vacation you spent at home. Why was it memorable? Who were you with? Where were you at? What did you do? What are some things or event's that you remember?

I remember the short vacation recently. The day before yesterday, I was in vacation. I was supposed to meet up with my friends at home. But my husband had a high fever. So I canceled the plan and I went to see a doctor with him. And I couln't see my friends that day. I was scared that he has corona virus. Fortunately he was not infected. Well, Although I couldn't get some rest, I was glad he was fine.
