Friends Season10 3화 episode - ① 첫 번째 시간
하루에 하나 정도씩 외울 수 있을 정도로 분할해서 공부하는 것이 좋은 것 같다.
오늘은 3화 Opening전 조이와 챈들러의 대화 내용.
조이가 레이첼과 첫 번째 공식 데이트를 앞두고 둘의 대화 내용이다.
So you and Rachel tonight, huh?
Yeah, it's actually our first official data.
Wow, so tonight may be the night. you nervous?
No. this is the part I'm actually good at.
What must it be like not to be crippled by fear and self-loathing?
It's okay.
How can you be so confident?
Well, I know exactly what I'm gonna do.
Really? Like, you have a routine?
No. See, each woman is diffrent. You have to appreciate their uniqueness.
No, I do six things. First, I look deep into her eyes, then I kiss her. Next, I take my hand and I softly graze her thigh.
You mean like this?
No, not like that. No, no like this.
I see what you mean. That's quite nice.
More football?
And beer.
※ 영영사전 : 영어 공부에는 영영사전만한게 없는거 같다.
* Cripple : verb / to cause someone to be unable to move or walk in the usual way because of an injury or llness.
* Self-loathing : noun / very strong feelings of dislike for yourself.
* graze : verb / to break the surface of the skin by rubbing against something rough.
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