Friends Season10 3화 episode - ③ 세 번째 시간
로스가 모니카에게 소개받은 태닝샾에서의 대화 내용.
처음 태닝샾에 방문한 로스와 가게주인과의 대화내용이며 로스에게 끔찍한 일이 발생하게 되는데... ^^
Mr. Geller, right this way. So how dark do you wanna be? we have one, two, or three.
Well, I like how you look. what are you?
Puerto Rican.
Two. I think a two.
You're going to face the red light. When the Red light goes on, the sparay's about to start, so close your eyes.
When the spaying stops, count to five... pat yourself down to avoid drip marks, then turn around to get your back.
You got it?
Spray, count and pat.
You catch on quick.
Well, I have a Ph.D.
So One Mississippi, Two Mississippi, Three,, wait, wait! I'm not,, I'm not finished counting!
You sprayed my front twice!
You nerver turned?
No, I barely got to "Three Mississippi"
Mississippi?? I said count to five.
Mississippi-lessly? Well, how bad is it?
Not that bad yet. but it keeps getting darker for the next four hours.
So how dark is it goning to get?
You got sprayed with two-two's and..
I'm four?
Yeah, but your back's a zero. you are going to wanna even that out.
you might wanna get back in there.
Oh, okay!!
Wait a minute, there's no light on the back wall. how do I know when it's gonna start?
Hello?? My eyes! The same thing happened again!
You got two more two's?
I'm an eight!!
영어 자막 틀린 부분이 상당히 많다. 실제 자막과 비교해서 듣다보면 틀린 부분이 많이 나온다.
한문장씩 들으면서 수정완료! 틀린 부분을 찾아내는 것에 희열이 느껴진다!
2019/01/09 - [Study/미드 대사 총정리] - Friends 시즌1-1화 대사/단어 총정리 - 1 (미드영어표현)
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2019/12/29 - [Study/미드 영어패턴] - Friends로 배우는 영어회화 패턴 - 시즌1 1화 (S01E01)
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