Friends Season10 3화 episode - ④ 네 번째 시간
조이와 레이첼의 첫 번째 데이트 후 대화 내용.
로스와 레이첼이 데이트는 했지만 스킨쉽에 어색해하면서 벌어지는 헤프닝
I though you paid. Guess we won't be going back there.
So,, Yeah.
Hey, What do you say we, uh, move this onto the likes of the couch?
I say cheesy line, but okey
What's the matter?
I..I don't know.. I'm sorry. I don't know why I did that.
I'm sorry. Again, I don't know what happened. I must be nervous.
I don't get it. Chandler loved it.
I promise. I won't do it again. I rellay do. this is gonna be great.
Was that good for you?
피비와 모니카에게 오래된 친구 아만다한테 전화가 걸려와서 이어지는 대화 내용.
No, don't get it. Let the machine pick up.
Oh, yeah, it could be Rachel asking if someone could babysit again.
It could be Amanda.
Oh, you'r right. I was just kidding about Rachel. Babysitting's gas.
Hello, Monica. It's Amanda calling again. I'm in the neighborhood, hoping I could pop by your flat.
You're from Yonkers! your last name is Buffamonteezi!.
Let's see. So should you get this directly ring me back on my mobile.
Okay, don't hold thy breath.
Hello? Is someone on the line?
yeah, I was looking for Monica.
Hang on, she's right here. someone's on the phone for you.
We weren't picking up. It's Amanda.
I get pedicures.
Hi, Amanda. Uh,, Actually, now is not a good time.
Dinner tomorrow night? Okay, Phoebe and I will see you then.
Why, why, why didn't you just say no?
Well, I said no to her coming over now. I couldn't say no twice. I got this uncontrollable need to please people.
Fine, Fine, you would not hold up well under torture.
Oh, and you would?
I did.
그래도 4번째는 어려운 단어나 문장은 없어서 비교적 많이 들렸다. 자꾸 게을러져서 매일 못하고 있는데
꾸준히 조금씩 올려서 영어실력을 쌓아보자 ㅠ
2019/01/07 - [Study] - [영어공부]Friends Season10 3 episode Script ③
2019/01/09 - [Study/미드 대사 총정리] - Friends 시즌1-1화 대사/단어 총정리 - 1 (미드영어표현)
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2019/12/29 - [Study/미드 영어패턴] - Friends로 배우는 영어회화 패턴 - 시즌1 1화 (S01E01)
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