Question 1.
I would like to now talk about where you live. Can you describe your home to me?
What does it look like? How many rooms does it have? Give me a description with lots of details.
I live in an apartment with my family and i have lived here for two years.
There are theree bedrooms, two bathrooms and two balconies in my apartment.
And there is also a living room, a kitchen, a utility room.
In the living room, there are various types of furniture and hom appliances.
For starters, there is a sofa, a tea table, an chair and a display case.
there is also a television, an treadmill and a fish tank.
In the bathroom, there is a toilet, a shower booth, a bathtub and some cabinets.
The living room is connected to the kitchen.
In the kitchen, there is a sink, a dish rack and a dining table.
Also, there is a fridge, a microwave, a stove and a water cooler.
So, this is what my apartment look like.
Question 2.
What is your normal routine at home?
What things do you usually do during the weekdays. what kind of things do you do on weekend?
Question 2-1.
Tell me what you do to keep your house clean and comfortable.
what kind of housework do you do around your home
I have to do a lot of housework at home. it is one of my daily routines.
On weekdays, I clean my home whenever i can.
First, I open all the windows to refresh the air. And then, i vacuum the floors and i dust the furniture.
Plus, I clean the bathroom after i take showers.
Next, I do the dishes after i have meals.
On weekends, I gather my clothes and do the laundry.
I first separate the whites and the colors before i put my laundry in the washer.
And then, I put interh detergent and fabric softner and wash my clothes.
After that, I take the clothes out and hang-dry them on the laundry rack.
When they dry, I fold the clothes and put them in the dresser.
So, there are my daily routines at home.
Question 3.
Describe the home you lived in as a child.
How was that home different from the home you live in now?
I remenber living in a house when i was a kid. There was a playground in front of my house.
So, I used to play there all the time with my friends.
We used to play in the sand or go on swing or slides.
I have many enjoyable memories of that place.
But now, I live in a more spacious apartment. There is a park nearby where i can take walk.
I can get some exercise or get some fresh air there.
Plus, there are various types of stores and facilities near my home.
Fist, There is a post office, a police station, a fire station and a library nearby.
Next, there is a convenience store, a bakery, a drug store.
So, this is what my neighborhood is like.
Question 4.
I would like to now talk about where you live.
What is your favorite room in your home?
What does it look like?
My favorite room at home is my bedroom.
I like my room the most because it is the best place to get some rest.
I can kick back and relax when i get home. it is great to have my own private space.
In my bedroom, i have a desk, a chair, a computer, a lamp, and a bed.
Um,, So my favorite furniture in my room is my bed because i love to sleep.
it has a very comfy and coze mattress, so it helps me get quality sleep.
I can do whatever i want to in my room.
I can get some sleep, study, surf the internet, watch TV or listen to music.
So, this is what my room is like.
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오픽 스트립트 정리 - 농구편
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